A date has been set!
We are pleased to hear that Exeter City Council have announced that Riverside Pool is to re-open on the weekend of Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th July 2021.
We know that there will be lots of things planned by Exeter City Council to celebrate the 're-launch' the pool. All of these things they have planned, will provide excellent community engagement and will give a good opportunity to see all the improvements and to experience the new improved pool environment. This will be welcome new for previous users of the pool and hopefully encourage new users in the future.
Having seen the work that has been undertaken, we know that everyone is going to be so impressed with not only how the pool looks, but the improvements to things like air quality, changing rooms and spectator seating, which will make it an overall much nicer experience. This coupled with the fact that there will be lots of Exeter City Swimming Club colours around the pool and our new race blocks installed, it all makes for lots of excitement for us as a club!
It will be great to have a pool that looks and feels like home we are sure you will all agree.
